24 January, SEALA, Bunga Tanjung building. The information on the lobby monitor is correct, but its coldly factual message (like the hard marble and the pallid LCD light) completely belies the spirit and emotional temperature of this Saturday morning. For the final day of SEALA 2 has arrived, bringing both laughter and sighs. Like the whisk of a wizard's wand, ten days have passed in a flash.
According to astrophysicists, within 10−32 seconds after its creation the universe expanded in size by a factor of 1078. Now if that's the amount of expansion that took place within an infinitesimal fraction of a second, everyone please open your SEALA notebooks and calculate how much a universe can expand in ten days.
No wonder we feel how far our horizons have expanded since SEALA 2 began. For some of us, new doors have opened; for others, new worlds. The space for growth is limitless.
We are privileged to welcome Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar (Chairman, Asian Women's Leadership University (AWLU) Malaysia Foundation, and former Chairman, Securities Commission of Malaysia) to the podium. With wit and wisdom, our guest speaker reflected on how the environment for leadership has evolved in Asia over the last three decades, especially for women in corporations and public service, and her own role as an ice-breaker in that regard.
Referencing and reinforcing many of the leadership themes of SEALA, Tan Sri Zarinah's talk provided a fine capstone to the learning elements of the program.
Empowered women Noreeta and Ismaa power up big-time with tea and sticky pastries.
Group 5 surprises Vickie with a scrumptious birthday cake. It's a token of their esteem for her as a facilitator: so what if it's a couple of days early?
Understanding the Power of SEALA. As we prepare to induct new SEALA members into our leadership community, Anand points that our universe is much larger than the people in this room. SEALA links up with galaxies of peers around the world. By joining SEALA, the number and power of one's connections have exploded.

Sadaf speaks on behalf of SEALA 1 Makrita represents Central Eurasia
members. Leadership Alliance (CELA).

Talal is a member of Middle East Andrea describes the launch of North
Leadership Academy (MELA). America Leadership Academy (NALA).
Bill calls for nominations for a SEALA 2 member to be elected to join the Board of Directors.
Voting is in full sizzle. Not so easy to choose between too many worthy candidates! Ridzuan weighs the options.
Top Tuangsithtanon (Thailand) is the newly elected Board Member!
Anand pays tribute to Dato' Azmi Mohd Ali. As SEALA's Board Member for Malaysia, it was his determination and drive that brought SEALA 2 to Kuala Lumpur, and his support and counsel that underpinned the workshop's success.
* * *
Participants receive a certificate of completion of the SEALA Academy, and are officially inducted into the network as SEALA members.
Basu brought both depth and charm to every discussion.
Sarika poses proudly with her certificate. Anand and Saad are even prouder to pose with Sarika.
You simply can't take the music out of Kelvin.
It looks like Top's got a song coming on too: Frank Sinatra, by the look of it.
Harvesting, like golden fruit, the audience's many warm words and encouraging wishes for Ritika.
The grace and passion of Arundhati were constantly inspiring.
Sridhar demonstrates a tricky new left-handed maneuver – the one-handed certificate grip. Don't try this at home!
Night-owl (habitueƩ of Farhad's office)?
Artel artistry
There was no chance of David being excused from the stage before he had delighted the room once more with a masterly display of kung fu.
Saad superglues Ian's SEALA badge to his lapel. Never to be removed!
With her lust for learning and her all-in vivacity, Tita was the incarnation of everything that was best about SEALA 2.
Our indefatigable facilitators, whose care and energy set the tone for the whole program, take a well-deserved bow.
The SEALA 1 pioneers are a reminder of where it all began, including new visitors Agustinus Gunadharma (unmissable in shimmering orange) and facilitator Richa Mittal.
What are the basic human needs? Food, warmth, light, shelter — WiFi, AV systems, extra chargers, tech support — entertainment, transport, attention, and love. For lavish provision of all these needs, SEALA 2 has Amy and the dream team to thank: Daven, Tim and Serena.
None of this would have been possible without the vision and passion of SEALA's founder, captain and navigator Anand Sharma!
SEALA Poet Laureate Sadaf Mahmood has a poem to mark the end of SEALA 2, which she recites to close the afternoon ceremonies.
Group 1, moniker: "Mission Possible." Nothing's beyond their reach.
Group 2, "The Rockstars," pose soulfully for their latest album cover. (Look out for the band's hot new single "Pomegranate Love," coming soon!)
No explanations required why the Group 3 folks are called the "High Spirits."
Group 4, "The Guardians of Purpose," inhabit and protect the very core of our moral universe.
Group 5, "The Yellow Brick Roadies," inspire us with their positivity and wow us with their wizardry in the Olympic sport of synchronized napkin swirling.