Thursday, January 12, 2017

Day 1: All Smiles

When in Thailand, do as the Thai do: smile!

Surprising discoveries about other participants are shared 

SEALA welcomes our newest family members, and
they already infected with uncontrollable enthusiasm!
On January 12, SEALA 4 kicks off in Bangkok this
year with renewed energy and boundless anticipation.
SEALA's founding board member, Mr. Anand Sharma
(Founder and CEO, Growth Advisory), welcomes the
participants and regales this year's participants with
SEALA's mesmerising history and the promising future.

Following John's important lessons about inquiry,
Mishal makes sure he asks the important questions.

Linda and Nasr get a chance to get to know each other during pair activities,
who would have thought this is their first time meeting each other?
They connect like old friends do: with the warmth of intangible familiarity.

During dinner time, the crowd goes wild as new SEALA
participants take turns introducing their partners on stage.

Behold Adam Albion, the mastermind behind the secret
algorithm that makes the perfect pairs for introduction night!

Finding out about SEALA members through other
SEALA members Insightful, deep and profound discoveries.
At day 1, Sanna and Divya already know they are going to visit each others' home countries after SEALA.

William comes on stage and teaches us that snaps are the new claps!

The night ends with participants who've only known each other for a day
forging life-long friendships - the magic of SEALA has already begun.
Snow from Myanmar and Saman from Pakistan bond on the first evening at SEALA 4!

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